The following paragraphs are very unlike me. I may be an extrovert but I am mostly passive. However, I just had to write something really aggressive because I am experiencing this intense aggression within me that needs to be vented. So in case if you are wondering if there is something wrong with me, there isn't. This is just a projection of my aggression emulated into typed words. Here goes nothing.....
This for all the "boys" out there who need to transform into "Men". If you think that you are going to keep having "fun" for the rest of life, think again, because the truth is, a day will come when you will need to MAN-up and you may fall short of the essentials that make you a man.
I had a wake up call recently and I realized that I need to Man-up and collect myself before I end up being just another guy who passed his life.
Surprisingly the person who I looked up to in this time of character-dwindle, was my car mechanic- Mr.Frank. This guy is a 50 year old African-american who runs a small but cosy garage in Greenville, NC. For a guy who never ate pork, drank alcohol or smoked, he recently had a brain aneurysm from which he recovered in 6 months- which in itself is a miracle and he is back to work already. (considering this guy was in coma for 8 days, it truly is amazing). Anyway to cut a long story short, I was waiting for him to close up his garage and ride with him to pick up my car to get it fixed.
Along comes a 17 year old girl and says to him, "Yo Frankie, you got a Newport on you?".
To which Frank says " What's a Newport? ".
" Its a cigarette. I wanted a smoke. Do you have no cigarette on you Frankie?", said the girl.
" I dont smoke and neither should you. Its baaaad for health." said Frank.
"By the way, are you old enough to drive? Do you have a drivers licence?" enquired Frank.
"Yeah I do, I ain't no baby. I am 17 years old." remarked the girl, with a hint of arrogance.
"You know how old my baby girl is? She is 16 years old." said Frank. " And my older son is 25."
"So?" asked the girl.
"So you need to stop calling me nicknames and start calling me Mr.Frank. You are as old as my daughter and I am not going to have a girl as old as my daughter call me "Yo Frankie". You get that? That's fine now." quipped Frank.
That boys, is called Character and that is what Integrity is all about. Men are made of this and much more. But unless you have your character and integrity intact, you might as well forget everything else about being a man. No one is exempt from making mistakes in life. That's what makes us human. But it takes bigger balls to apologize for your mistakes and that's what men do. Beyond that if the person doesn't have the heart to forgive you, then Men stand up for themself and protect their integrity. Without that, a man is nothing but a thumb sucking infant.
More lessons on being a man to follow... stay tuned.
'character and integrity'- absolute essentials in moulding anyone into a dignified human bieing.
And owning our mistakes is one trait many of us lack too often, it does take a lot of guts to do so...to go beyond ego and aknowledging that we are human.
A very inspiring incident indeed. Keep writing. :)
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